Pencak Silat Asli Indonesia

by IstanStudio

Books & Reference


V.2 experienced development namely;+ Application development+ The addition of dozens of information flow martial arts in Indonesia+ Setting a new lookfor a list of materials that are added are in the flow of martial arts, which has tried we add the following;1. IKS PI "Monkey King". Family ties Silat Putra Indonesia2. Al-Hikmah. Science Power In Al-Hikmah3. PSHT. Faithful Heart Lotus Brotherhood4. PSPN NU. Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa NU5. Merpati Putih. white dove6. TSPM. Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah7. Cempaka Putih. Pencak Silat Cempaka Putih8. Persinas ASAD. Pencak Silat National ASAD9. Shield. Pencak Silat Shield10. Satria Muda. Pencak Silat Satria Muda Indonesia11. White Shield. Pencak Silat White Shield12. Beksi. Defense 4 corners13. Gajah Putih. Pencak Silat White Elephant Teak Wisesa14. TTKKDH. Dance Tdjimande Kolod Gardens Djeruk Hilir15. IKS Pro Patria. Family ties Kuntauw Pro Patria16. PH. unity Heart17. PAMUR. Pencak Silat Young Generation Rate18. Panca Daya. Pencak Silat Power Panca19. Perpi HarimurtiApplication First Indonesian Pencak Silat martial arts instructional material containing starting pelathan basic techniques and tactics training in respiratory then train personnel to use force in the flow of martial arts.For application development encak First Silat Indonesia, if there is criticism and suggestions please send us an email at; [email protected] of the application for First Indonesian Pencak Silat itself, namely;1. Applications OFFLINE, remains datap used without an internet connection2. Application light / easy to use, is not slow.3. The initial size of 6.2 mb, now 27, .MB. larger size, but the material is much greater than before.Hopefully application Original Indonesian Pencak Silat, may be useful to add insight and your training.